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Discover insights from Idea Grove, a PR and digital marketing agency for B2B technology, manufacturing, and logistics brands, headquartered in Dallas, Texas.

13 min read

Effective B2B public relations transcends basic networking, shaping perceptions and...

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5 min read

Manufacturing businesses are often so deeply entrenched in the production and delivery of...

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5 min read

Growing a supply chain business can be challenging. Even if you do good work, it’s not...

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5 min read

Are you looking for a way to elevate your brand's media coverage and boost your SEO? We...

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8 min read

As your business grows, you'll want to consider expanding your reach to new audiences by ...

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13 min read

There’s no doubt that Digital PR is an important part of any successful public relations...

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11 min read

As a business professional, you know that podcasting is a great way to reach new...

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10 min read

Dallas-Fort Worth is a major technology hub, and it's home to some of the top tech...

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9 min read

When it comes to public relations, many businesses tend to focus on the short term. They...

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8 min read

Are you launching a B2B SaaS startup? Developing an effective public relations strategy...

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16 min read

In today’s constantly changing PR landscape where new technologies, methods, strategies,...

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9 min read

Carefully tracking and analyzing media placements is one of the most vital and...

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1 min read

Earlier this month, Idea Grove CEO Scott Baradell delivered the closing keynote at the...

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8 min read

As public relations practitioners, we know a lot of preparation and hard work goes into...

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3 min read

Public relations is hard work; B2B public relations is even harder. The audience you’re...

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4 min read

Staying up to date in an industry that’s constantly evolving, like public relations,...

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3 min read

Even before our COVID-inspired economic downturn, the media world—and especially print...

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1 min read

We talk a lot about the importance of having something original to say. Effective PR and...

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5 min read

Once upon a time, Americans started their day with a cup of coffee and the morning...

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1 min read

There's a phrase we are seeing and hearing everywhere. In newscasts. In industry blog...

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1 min read

We’ve been having a lot of conversations at Idea Grove about the one-two punch of the...

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4 min read

As the COVID-19 pandemic spurs more industry convention and trade show cancellations,...

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3 min read

As we kick off a new decade, it’s a great time for companies to evaluate how each of...

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5 min read

What does it mean to have authority? When you speak, do others listen? It’s something...

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PR pros see it all the time. A company’s communications team secures an impressive...

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3 min read

As public relations professionals, we spend much of our time trying to secure coverage...

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2 min read

One of our primary objectives as publicists is to secure consistent, relevant media...

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2 min read

I came across a story on "happiness lessons" being offered to schoolchildren in the U.K....

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Neil Foote, a journalism and communications lecturer at the University of North Texas and...

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7 min read

When news broke in the summer of 2006 that Mark Cuban was entering the journalism game as...

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4 min read

Most working journalists have to deal with hundreds, if not thousands, of press releases...

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5 min read

If you work in the world of public relations or marketing, you’ve heard it 100 times...

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It’s no secret that clients want to see results when those end-of-month and...

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4 min read

Every company wants to grow and has its eye set on the prize: more prospects, customers,...

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3 min read

The scenario is all too familiar for many CMOs. Your team has been working for months on...

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3 min read

It’s impossible to overstate how important media relations is to our clients. But while...

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4 min read

What value does a message have if it’s not directed to the correct audience? It’s almost...

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3 min read

The world of brand communications is getting increasingly difficult to navigate. In the...

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Most companies know that marketing to customers is imperative to maintaining a...

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6 min read

The world of B2B technology is exploding but, as with nearly every space with the...

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5 min read

Most technology companies understand that marketing is an important part of elevating...

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If you are a small, medium or enterprise class business-to-business technology company,...

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3 min read

As the technology sector actively grows larger and more convoluted every year, our...

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4 min read

Many companies take an “If you build it, they will come” approach to their media...

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4 min read

Let’s face it, media relations isn’t always a walk in the park. It can be a challenge to...

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5 min read

Your team is pumped. The deal you’ve been working on or the product you’ve been...

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4 min read

I remember the day I became addicted to the news. It was the day after the 2000...

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You’ve gone through the RFP process. You’ve made your decision. Contract terms have been...

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For any growing B2B technology company, engaging a PR firm is a smart move, and one...

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At some point, most B2B technology companies will hit a point in their growth when the...

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Being a consultative advisor on PR is one of the best jobs in the world. But having a...

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Much of what we do in PR lends itself to repeatable tasks. If you have a perception...

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3 min read

Recently I took some time off to visit Big Bend National Park for a couple of days. I was...

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The world of PR is ever-changing. It’s all too easy to get lost in the crowd of PR...

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PR professionals know that work can sometimes seem like a juggling act. Whether you’re...

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3 min read

In the world of public relations, you have to run to keep up. The landscape is constantly...

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3 min read

If you’re a technology vendor, an industry analyst relations (AR) program can go a long...

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2014 has been a year of great moments in social media, as well as more than a few ...

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4 min read

Tech PR firms have long struggled to provide their clients with hard proof of a...

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The American Business Awards, also known as the Stevie Awards, recently named Idea Grove...

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2 min read

Gini Dietrich, the PR pro behind Arment Dietrich, Spin Sucks and Spin Sucks Pro, recently...

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5 min read

(This post originally appeared in 2006. It's a different ethics world today. So you might...

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When I launched the Idea Grove in 2005, I had never worked for or led a marketing firm or...

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3 min read

(Author's update: RiseSmart's heightened profile helped lift it from two guys with a...

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1 min read

Our Silicon Valley client RiseSmart, which provides outplacement and recruitment...

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4 min read

Before I started the Idea Grove, I was a senior corporate communications executive for...

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5 min read

Blogs are by nature personal. Therein lies the beauty -- as well as the danger -- of...

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We just had a call from someone from a company that did not like what we said about them...

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2 min read

We’ve already explained why reporters aren’t too good at exposing things like the Enron...

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2 min read

Hugh Macleod, after boasting that he is “doing nothing but make money via blogs,” ripped...

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1 min read

(Author's note: Blogger relations memories, circa 2006.)

Gawker has an e-mail exchange...

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(Author's note: "Fake news" circa 2005.)

A man named Ed Klein leads the team at Parade...

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(Author's note: Circa 2005)

Media Orchard stumbled upon an interesting site called Top 10...

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3 min read

(Author's note: This blog post is a golden oldie -- or moldy oldie, depending on your...

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I originally posted here, back in 2005, some links to blogger analyses of the...

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2 min read

The senior internal PR person is one of the most important leaders within an organization...

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As the Wall Street Journal reports, CNOOC, the state-owned Chinese oil company, is...

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Crisis communications is PR playing defense. I've worked crises ranging from workplace...

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2 min read

(Author's note: This post was written amid the comparatively quaint media landscape of...

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1 min read

I know what it's like to be the client of a public relations agency. As a senior...

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AI and Marketing

Learn About AI in Digital Marketing

Read about the generative AI revolution in digital marketing.

hourglass 13 min read

Effective B2B public relations transcends basic networking, shaping perceptions and...

Traditional marketing methods for manufacturing companies are not quite obsolete, but...

hourglass 6 min read

I know what you’re going to say: Manufacturing is about producing goods, so who cares...

Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has taken the technical world by storm,...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn't exactly a novel concept, but it’s most certainly one...

Customer testimonials

We hone our expertise every day to better serve our clients


Idea Grove has been a true partner for Viaero in focusing our message, enhancing our image, increasing our visibility, and attracting new customers. We have relied on Idea Grove for market research, brand strategy, design, content, search marketing and more. We love working with Scott’s team and highly recommend them to others.


Sarah DiRico

Vice President, Viaero Wireless


The Idea Grove team helped our partner law firms, Forrest Weldon and Duncan Stubbs, to develop a communications strategy and raise awareness of their case against Bayer’s harmful Roundup product—ultimately resulting in a $1.56 billion verdict against Bayer. Idea Grove consistently provided us with senior counsel, often on little notice—one of the great values of working with a quality boutique.

Rocky Stubbs

Rocky Stubbs

Managing Partner, Excelsior Dynamic Capital


ALPLA is a global manufacturer and recycler of plastic products. We sought out Idea Grove to help us to build awareness of our sustainability initiatives and to advocate for recycling in the North American market. Scott's team has been a perfect partner for us in building visibility and engagement for this initiative.


Chivvaun Smith

Communications & Corporate Responsibility Manager, ALPLA

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