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Discover insights from Idea Grove, a PR and digital marketing agency for B2B technology, manufacturing, and logistics brands, headquartered in Dallas, Texas.


8 min read

When it comes to site optimization, many website owners tend to focus on areas such as ...

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11 min read

Search presence is important for any company to build brand trust. If you're visible in...

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13 min read

Think about it. What do you do when you have a problem? You go online and search for a...

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10 min read

Targeting the same keyword on multiple pages might seem like a great strategy. After all,...

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8 min read

Search engine optimization has been around for a long time now, and in that time, it has...

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10 min read

Keywords are the bread and butter of SEO. Without them, your content will be lost in the...

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8 min read

Google and other search engines aim to connect users with the most relevant information...

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8 min read

Keyword research is challenging. It's hard to know where to start, what keyword tools are...

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3 min read

User experience and SEO haven’t always been the best of friends. Thankfully, Google has...

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AI and Marketing

Learn About AI in Digital Marketing

Read about the generative AI revolution in digital marketing.

hourglass 13 min read

Effective B2B public relations transcends basic networking, shaping perceptions and...

Traditional marketing methods for manufacturing companies are not quite obsolete, but...

hourglass 6 min read

I know what you’re going to say: Manufacturing is about producing goods, so who cares...

Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has taken the technical world by storm,...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn't exactly a novel concept, but it’s most certainly one...

Customer testimonials

We hone our expertise every day to better serve our clients


Idea Grove has been a true partner for Viaero in focusing our message, enhancing our image, increasing our visibility, and attracting new customers. We have relied on Idea Grove for market research, brand strategy, design, content, search marketing and more. We love working with Scott’s team and highly recommend them to others.


Sarah DiRico

Vice President, Viaero Wireless


The Idea Grove team helped our partner law firms, Forrest Weldon and Duncan Stubbs, to develop a communications strategy and raise awareness of their case against Bayer’s harmful Roundup product—ultimately resulting in a $1.56 billion verdict against Bayer. Idea Grove consistently provided us with senior counsel, often on little notice—one of the great values of working with a quality boutique.

Rocky Stubbs

Rocky Stubbs

Managing Partner, Excelsior Dynamic Capital


ALPLA is a global manufacturer and recycler of plastic products. We sought out Idea Grove to help us to build awareness of our sustainability initiatives and to advocate for recycling in the North American market. Scott's team has been a perfect partner for us in building visibility and engagement for this initiative.


Chivvaun Smith

Communications & Corporate Responsibility Manager, ALPLA

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