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B2B Tech PR: The Importance Of Original Data

Published: June 18, 2020       Updated: June 18, 2020

1 min read

We talk a lot about the importance of having something original to say. Effective PR and marketing campaigns are not built on “me too” content that parrots the points that others have already made.

Figuring out what those original thoughts are, though, is easier said than done. There are a lot of people out there saying a lot of things. That’s why when a client says they have access to original data or are willing to put a survey into the field to collect original data we get so excited. Sharing original data is a great foundation for a marketing program, and it’s just as powerful in PR.

I spoke with Liz Cies, Idea Grove’s vice president of public relations, about the importance of original data, ways that it can be used to effectively reach your buyers, and where to look for it. Her answer to that last question might surprise you.

So, take a few minutes and watch the video then leave a comment down below. We look forward to the conversation.


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