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Discover insights from Idea Grove, a PR and digital marketing agency for B2B technology, manufacturing, and logistics brands, headquartered in Dallas, Texas.

13 min read

Curious about how to create a winning LinkedIn strategy for 2024? This article delivers a...

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19 min read

Nurturing B2B buyers is essential for turning prospects into long-term customers,...

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6 min read

I know what you’re going to say: Manufacturing is about producing goods, so who cares...

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6 min read

In the first part of this blog series, I covered how to create a public relations...

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3 min read

In today's interconnected world, public relations professionals grapple with delivering...

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11 min read

Many businesses are hesitant to gate their content, fearing that it will turn potential...

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9 min read

Ranking high in search results remains as vital an objective as ever in today's digital...

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6 min read

Ever go to write a piece of content or copy, only to find yourself staring at a blank...

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8 min read

You’ve done your keyword research, so you know what your readers are interested in....

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7 min read

Engagement with your blog can be measured in many ways—clicks, comments, shares, page...

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9 min read

Creating content for B2B marketing campaigns and programs can be a joy or a pain,...

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8 min read

Content may be king, but it can also be a taxing experience for creators. It takes, on...

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5 min read

The cornerstone of any content marketing strategy is to provide your audience with...

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7 min read

When someone knocks on your door unexpectedly, you probably won't just open it. You'll...

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5 min read

No matter what kind of B2B content you create, at every point, you should always be...

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11 min read

There are few things more disheartening than investing time, money, and effort in your...

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William Zinsser wrote in his book On Writing Well, “Clutter is the disease of American...

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5 min read

I never intended to become the office’s punctuation police, but it’s happened anyway. And

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3 min read

How many emails do you send out each month? One? 20? 100? Depending on your industry, you...

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4 min read

I’m going to tell you something I don’t know if I’ve ever admitted before. It’s not...

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4 min read

It’s really easy in B2B content marketing to get caught up in our own projects. I do it...

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4 min read

At the heart of content marketing is an unspoken agreement between you and your audience....

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3 min read

In today's world of overflowing inboxes, you might wonder, "Is email marketing still an...

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5 min read

One thing we all seem to have an abundance of right now is time. It probably seemed like...

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4 min read

If you’ve been keeping an eye on your email performance and have noticed some sendability...

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7 min read

When was the last time you looked for content on a specific topic, then found accessing...

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4 min read

Will your organization's marketing vision be 20/20 in 2020? The key is to set clear goals...

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5 min read

Let's start with some numbers that should blow your hair back.

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3 min read

Harry Potter holds a special place in my heart. I grew up with Ron, Harry and Hermione....

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Marketing technology is great. It can make a small team operate at higher levels. It can...

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5 min read

You’ve heard the adage that says, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say...

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4 min read

As an elder Millennial, I grew up in the prime of 90’s boy band-ology. I was the...

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4 min read

I remember going into my dad’s closet as a kid. On the left was a whole section dedicated...

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4 min read

Your customers are your most powerful marketing assets, even in the B2B world. If you’re...

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2 min read

When someone searches for your company or brand, what do they see? If you don't already...

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4 min read

If you’re in the business of working with people (and honestly, we all are, even in the...

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The beauty of social media advertising is you get a lot of say in who sees your...

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6 min read

 I make my living writing and editing all manner of content. What follows is a harsh...

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5 min read

As a B2B technology marketer, you spend a lot of time, money and effort on content...

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5 min read

Since you’re reading this article, there’s better-than-average chance you’re a marketing...

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3 min read

One of the biggest challenges in B2B tech marketing is generating qualified leads to...

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6 min read

One of the great things about B2B digital marketing and one of the things that makes it...

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5 min read

My background is journalism. I spent 15 years writing and editing at the big newspaper...

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4 min read

Digital marketing isn’t a science, no matter what some may tell you. There are no...

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5 min read

We recently chatted about why your email marketing might not be producing quite the...

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4 min read

Over the past few weeks, we’ve talked about a couple of reasons why your B2B digital...

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3 min read

Before we get too deep into this, can we establish something? Unless every click you are...

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6 min read

How’s your email inbox treating you lately? Is it overflowing with real work, or it is a...

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4 min read

Digital marketing comes with a lot of promises. More leads. Better engagement with...

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Marketing automation is used by B2B and B2C companies now more than ever. But it’s not...

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In the age of digital technology, agencies have an overwhelming number of marketing tools...

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5 min read

So, really, why are you blogging?

There are a lot of reasons B2B companies maintain a...

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4 min read

I was in a Facebook group for digital marketers the other day when the following question...

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3 min read

SEO ranking and positioning has become a growing obsession for B2B companies, and for...

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6 min read

When I was a kid, cable television networks weren’t the homogenized mush that they are...

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3 min read

Content is king. When it comes to marketing B2B products and services, we’ve all heard...

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3 min read

Aristotle once said, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” This can be...

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5 min read

Let’s face it. A lot of B2B content can be a bit formal and stuffy. It’s full of long...

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3 min read

Partnering with an agency specialized in B2B technology is a smart way to supercharge...

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2 min read

As with most things in life, the key to success in business is often proper planning. But...

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4 min read

Reading is something I cannot get enough of. It is how I got so into digital marketing: I...

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1 min read

Dig around online for clarification on when to use that versus which and you’ll find some...

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As technology continues to ingrain itself into the way people go about their daily lives,...

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4 min read

Are you using pay-per-click advertising? Do you even know what it is? (It’s ok to say...

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6 min read

A great website isn’t so great if no one visits it. That’s why this post is dedicated to...

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4 min read

Getting industry certifications is a great way to learn more about marketing tactics, add...

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3 min read

So, you’ve set up your marketing automation platform and are happy to see leads are...

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4 min read

Running a nurture marketing campaign is a lot like being a personal shopper – it’s true!...

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4 min read

As more companies begin adopting a marketing automation platform, it only makes sense...

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3 min read

If 2013 was the year of content marketing, then 2014 is the year of marketing automation....

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2 min read

Now that you know some basic CRO tactics, it’s time to learn how to integrate them into...

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2 min read

Content marketing is undeniably one of today’s hottest marketing strategies, with...

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2 min read

If you live in fear of Google releasing a new algorithm that utterly destroys your...

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3 min read

Marketing automation is a term we hear a lot today. But how does it affect the bottom...

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Two common misunderstandings keep popping up about effective brand marketing in the...

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2 min read

Scott Baradell’s recent presentation to the Social Media Club of Dallas had it all:...

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3 min read

If you haven’t heard about AMC’s Mad Men, you clearly have too much going on in your...

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Actually, 7:06, but who's counting?

This video is a blast from the past, way back in...

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1 min read

Idea Grove has launched Energy Viewpoints, an online publication sponsored by PG&E that...

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Many Dallas interactive marketing agencies started out as SEO firms, churning out keyword...

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2 min read

There was a time when it was enough to “get the word out.” But with today’s technologies,...

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(Author's note: Published in 2012)

We've been proud to call New York's Black Star...

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7 min read

If you are new to the world of multimedia storytelling, where to start?

Here are seven...

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1 min read

As I'm developing a book on storytelling, I thought I'd pass along a virtual conference...

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1 min read

I love Google. Because of Google, we don't even have to argue why the following turns of...

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2 min read

Google and God are a lot alike. Both work in mysterious ways. Both are unfair. And...

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4 min read

We have offered advice on asking dumb questions without sounding dumb, but of course...

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1 min read

Steve at Pierce Mattie voiced concern over Media Orchard adding a SitePal babe to our Web...

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Idea Grove built it's reputation on writing content that any publication, no matter how...

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2 min read

(Author's note: Moldy oldie, circa 2006. Still holds true.)

Press releases heavily use...

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(Author's note: Now here's a blast from the past.)

When I started a company called...

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(Author's note: Blast from the past. We began blogging for our clients in July 2005.)


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One nice thing about blogs is that they represent an actual dialogue between people, or...

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AI and Marketing

Learn About AI in Digital Marketing

Read about the generative AI revolution in digital marketing.

hourglass 10 min read

LinkedIn video allows you to create engaging content that enhances your professional...

hourglass 9 min read

Wondering how AI will impact marketing in 2025? This article delves into the top ai in...

hourglass 10 min read

Want to know how to track website traffic referrals from ChatGPT? This guide explains how...

Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has taken the technical world by storm,...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn't exactly a novel concept, but it’s most certainly one...

Customer testimonials

We hone our expertise every day to better serve our clients


Idea Grove has been a true partner for Viaero in focusing our message, enhancing our image, increasing our visibility, and attracting new customers. We have relied on Idea Grove for market research, brand strategy, design, content, search marketing and more. We love working with Scott’s team and highly recommend them to others.


Sarah DiRico

Vice President, Viaero Wireless


The Idea Grove team helped our partner law firms, Forrest Weldon and Duncan Stubbs, to develop a communications strategy and raise awareness of their case against Bayer’s harmful Roundup product—ultimately resulting in a $1.56 billion verdict against Bayer. Idea Grove consistently provided us with senior counsel, often on little notice—one of the great values of working with a quality boutique.

Rocky Stubbs

Rocky Stubbs

Managing Partner, Excelsior Dynamic Capital


ALPLA is a global manufacturer and recycler of plastic products. We sought out Idea Grove to help us to build awareness of our sustainability initiatives and to advocate for recycling in the North American market. Scott's team has been a perfect partner for us in building visibility and engagement for this initiative.


Chivvaun Smith

Communications & Corporate Responsibility Manager, ALPLA

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