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B2B Tech PR: How Should It Look Different During An Economic Downturn?

Published: April 17, 2020       Updated: July 21, 2024

1 min read

We’ve been having a lot of conversations at Idea Grove about the one-two punch of the COVID-19 crisis. First, there’s the physical concerns of everyone staying healthy and isolated. The second punch is the economic ramifications from that. While the physical piece of the COVID crisis may be over in (hopefully) just a few months, the economic piece could be with us a while.

That means business won’t return as usual even when we get a physical all-clear (or mostly clear). So how should PR and marketing look different now and during the resulting recession? I took some time to talk through that topic with Alexis Diehl, a senior leader on our PR team. She had some great ideas to share about how businesses should be doing more to be of service right now and how media monitoring can help indicate when it’s OK to start shifting your messages back to what they had been historically.

Take a few minutes to watch the video below then leave your thoughts in the comments. We look forward to the discussion.


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