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12 min read

Enhancing LinkedIn brand awareness can transform your professional footprint. This...

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17 min read

Online review sites can have a major positive impact on your B2B tech business. These...

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12 min read

Have you ever shared a link to a piece of your content that you spent hours crafting,...

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11 min read

Social media marketing is not a new kid on the block anymore. It's been 20 years since...

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7 min read

Note: Talissa Beall, Idea Grove's senior social media manager, was named #SproutPartner...

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4 min read

It’s officially been 18 years since the creation of Myspace and the term “social media”...

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5 min read

Social media strategy is changing. Yes, it’s still writing captions, creating graphics,...

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5 min read

There are 3.96 billion people on social media worldwide. While a significant portion...

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3 min read

Whether I want to try a new Chinese restaurant, find a new dentist, or try out something...

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5 min read

In the age of social media and instant communication, building and nurturing customer...

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3 min read

Marketing teams are busier and leaner than ever, and it’s difficult to juggle all of the...

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3 min read

It's no secret that social media marketing changes continuously. Trends come and go so...

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1 min read

Too many companies treat social media as just another marketing channel. They use the...

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1 min read

When things get different or difficult, we tend to take comfort in the familiar. We pull...

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1 min read

Our relationships with social media have no doubt changed during the current COVID-19...

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5 min read

“Turn everything off!” That’s what many social marketers started telling each other as...

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Vanity metrics are like an animated PowerPoint presentation. They look pretty, but...

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4 min read

In the noisy and ever-evolving world of advertising and marketing, it’s more important...

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11 min read

Social media is in its teenage years and we can all tell. It’s maturing, and not always...

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4 min read

Six Degrees. Open Diary. These aren’t names most people would cough up if asked...

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Social media has evolved into an essential piece of any company’s brand presence and...

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3 min read

It is probably OK if Instagram is not currently in your B2B marketing toolkit since the...

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3 min read

Last month, Facebook announced drastic changes to the way posts are ranked in users’ news...

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5 min read

Traditionally, media relations has been about two things: relationships and stories.


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5 min read

On November 7th, Twitter announced an update that raised the character limit for tweets...

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4 min read

We all know how important it is to get our quality content noticed on social media....

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3 min read

If LinkedIn isn’t already a part of your marketing strategy, you’re missing out on a big...

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3 min read

It’s no secret that video content has dominated the social media scene for years. One...

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5 min read

Every time you open Facebook the News Feed algorithm is working behind the scenes to...

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20 min read

Note: This interview was originally published in July 2006. Drew eventually went on to...

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Finding new ways to be creative on social media is something all B2B companies struggle...

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4 min read

In our world of digital connectedness, almost nothing is isolated anymore. Global and...

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Last week, the world of Facebook changed forever. Facebook’s Like button that we’ve come...

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3 min read

It’s not too often that we get to roll out the red carpet in the B2B technology space. We...

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It’s no secret that the life of a business executive is hectic. Lunch meetings, lengthy...

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2014 has been a year of great moments in social media, as well as more than a few ...

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5 min read

Unlike the “Orange is the New Black” inmates at Litchfield, you have the power to be in...

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2 min read

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, StumbleUpon – the list goes on and on....

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2 min read

Last of three parts

Social media marketing is not a guaranteed revenue driver, which...

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You know you need social media, but where do you start in developing a strategy?


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We think it's a little odd when an agency calls itself a social media agency. What...

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(Author's note: Originally published in 2008)

Finally ready to create a social media...

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2 min read

Note: This is a post from 2005. How times have changed.

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AI and Marketing

Learn About AI in Digital Marketing

Read about the generative AI revolution in digital marketing.

hourglass 13 min read

Effective B2B public relations transcends basic networking, shaping perceptions and...

Traditional marketing methods for manufacturing companies are not quite obsolete, but...

hourglass 6 min read

I know what you’re going to say: Manufacturing is about producing goods, so who cares...

Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has taken the technical world by storm,...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn't exactly a novel concept, but it’s most certainly one...

Customer testimonials

We hone our expertise every day to better serve our clients


Idea Grove has been a true partner for Viaero in focusing our message, enhancing our image, increasing our visibility, and attracting new customers. We have relied on Idea Grove for market research, brand strategy, design, content, search marketing and more. We love working with Scott’s team and highly recommend them to others.


Sarah DiRico

Vice President, Viaero Wireless


The Idea Grove team helped our partner law firms, Forrest Weldon and Duncan Stubbs, to develop a communications strategy and raise awareness of their case against Bayer’s harmful Roundup product—ultimately resulting in a $1.56 billion verdict against Bayer. Idea Grove consistently provided us with senior counsel, often on little notice—one of the great values of working with a quality boutique.

Rocky Stubbs

Rocky Stubbs

Managing Partner, Excelsior Dynamic Capital


ALPLA is a global manufacturer and recycler of plastic products. We sought out Idea Grove to help us to build awareness of our sustainability initiatives and to advocate for recycling in the North American market. Scott's team has been a perfect partner for us in building visibility and engagement for this initiative.


Chivvaun Smith

Communications & Corporate Responsibility Manager, ALPLA

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