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3 Ways B2B Companies Can Use Facebook Live

Published: February 9, 2017       Updated: July 21, 2024

3 min read

It’s no secret that video content has dominated the social media scene for years. One notable advancement within this realm is Facebook Live, which has slowly been rolling out since 2015. Many compare it to Snapchat or Periscope, which rank high among young technology users.

Facebook Live lets you broadcast in real time for up to 90 minutes at a time. People who you engage with or those who engage with you frequently will receive a notification that you are streaming live, so they can then go to your page and view the video. Viewers can comment and react in real time, making it possible for you to interact with viewers as you’re live streaming.

According to Fronetics, video content uploaded to Facebook has increased by nearly 94 percent over the past year alone. Additionally, more than 50 percent of Americans watch at least one video per day on Facebook. While Facebook Live and live video have been widely adopted by consumer marketing brands over the past two years, there is an opportunity for B2B brands to also take advantage.

Interactive Interviews

Regardless of the industry, every business has subject matter experts that provide value not only the business itself, but also to existing and potential clients. Simply put, for a business to invest in your products or services, buyers have to trust your brand and feel reassured that they will secure positive ROI. By utilizing Facebook Live, you can hold Q&A sessions with experts or executives, who can guide and educate potential buyers. This also allows you to introduce a human-to-human element, putting a face on your company and connecting with your audience by engaging them on a more personable level.

Livestream Events

Participating in industry conferences and expos are the norm in the B2B industry, so why not capitalize on them? Facebook Live allows you to share the latest updates and news with your followers in real time. Broadcasting live from the conference itself not only allows your viewers to see the event close up, but also provides a different way to view the news versus a traditional text-based press release. The B2B market is crowded and reaching your audience in a different way gives you a leg up among the rest.

Customer Service Sessions

As stated before, Facebook Live allows viewers to comment and react in real time. Why not capitalize on this capability by using it to provide better customer service for your business? Live streaming video can be used to respond to questions and concerns in the moment. Some viewers might share the same concerns, and by using Facebook Live, you can address them proactively for the entire group. By dedicating time to monitoring engagement on Facebook Live and answering questions, you can connect with viewers on a different level that could provide fruitful in the long run. 

Whether you’re well-versed in video content or consider yourself a novice, Facebook Live is a great way to engage, educate and nurture your relationships with clients and social followers alike. It’s proven to be an impactful platform and will allow you to amplify your other marketing efforts while building trust and showing personality.

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