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Our 10 Best Email Subject Line Ideas for B2B Marketers

Published: May 8, 2020       Updated: September 1, 2022

3 min read

In today's world of overflowing inboxes, you might wonder, "Is email marketing still an attractive channel for B2B marketers?”

The answer is a resounding yes.

In fact, according to HubSpot, email marketing generates $42 for every $1 spent. That's an eye-popping ROI for a marketing investment.

Of course, the trick is in doing it right—beginning with the subject line. 

Successful B2B email marketing all starts with your subject line. The subject line sets the tone for your email's content, tone—and critically, your open rates. 

No matter who you’re marketing to, there’s a real person on the other end of that email who enjoys content that is fun, informative, and engaging. Don’t think that just because you’re marketing to other businesses that your email has to be formal and dry. In fact, email is an ideal channel to highlight your B2B brand’s personality and best ideas.

With that in mind, check out some of our favorite B2B subject line examples.

10 Ideas for B2B Marketing Email Subject Lines


1. "Have No Fear, Your Quarterly Roundup is Here"
An email full of valuable insights and information all compiled into one place? Sign me up! 

2. "How are you feeling about your annual goals?"
When companies get through the first couple of quarters, they start to evaluate and shift strategies based on the results they’re seeing. This positions you to show how you can help them keep on track with their goals (and it’s always a good idea to be goal-oriented).

3. "Overwhelmed? We can take something off your plate"
This is much better than just saying “Hey, here’s all our services, go on and request that demo!” You’re offering to be helpful and empathizing with your buyer who might be filling multiple roles and wearing lots of different hats. 

4. "Frustrated with reporting? Tell me about it."
This subject line does a good job at being human and starting a conversation about a topic that is universal but comes with a lot of pain points. 


5. "Finally, a webinar on [topic]"
Virtual events are on the rise, and with that has come an increase in webinar fatigue. That is why you, as a marketing rock star, have created one that’s finally addressing that topic that nobody else in your industry is talking about. 

6. "8 things only expert [title}s know about [topic]"
You’re an expert in your space, so use a subject line like this to showcase how your expertise can provide specific value to your audience. And you get bonus points since this one includes a number.

7. "A better way to [your service offering]"
Your company exists to help others do business better, so why not highlight how you eliminate your buyers’ pain points? 

8. "How [competitor] gains [high-level benefit]"
Idea Grove specializes in helping challenger brands—PR underdogs that have to outsmart and outwork the 800-pound gorillas in their industry. Rather than pretending your competition doesn’t exist, acknowledge what they do to be successful, then communicate how you can do it better. 


9. "Sneak Peek at our New Whitepaper"
Making an email feel exclusive is a great way to entice opens; just be sure to actually deliver value once they do open. 

10. "I know you’re excited to read another eBook"
Content overload is real, and, let’s be honest, marketing your resource as “free” isn’t really an incentive for conversions. Use this to send an email promoting something new and engaging you have created to help your audience (that isn’t an ebook). Infographics, interactive experiences, or videos are great formats. 

Ultimately, you want to delight and engage your audience. Don’t forget to segment your email marketing lists so you can really tailor your message with each send. Tell your audience what’s inside, and use action-oriented verbiage to clearly indicate what comes next. And don’t be afraid to be funny (or punny), either.

Looking for an email tool that gets it? Meet HubSpot. 

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