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GreyScale Is Color for the Rest of Us

Published: April 1, 2011       Updated: July 21, 2024

3 min read

Every once in a while, one of our clients issues an announcement so revolutionary, so innovative, so state-of-the-art, so cutting-edge, so world-class, so user-friendly, so next-gen, so groundbreaking, so unique, so dynamic -- yes, so miraculous -- that no cliche is too cliched to include in the press release.

This is one of those moments:


GreyScale Reinvents Loneliness

Startup Raises $41 to Celebrate Isolation and Withdrawal in a World That’s Just Not That Interesting

DALLAS, April 1, 2011 — Introduced today, GreyScale™ is a miraculous, free application for iPhone and Android that allows people who spend most of their time alone to capture and have real-time access to monochromatic photos and videos of themselves -- created by themselves, for themselves. GreyScale is the best way to experience life’s everyday moments without having to share them with people you barely know and could care less about – or anyone else, for that matter.

"GreyScale is the most advanced and intuitive way to enjoy your smartphone, even if you don’t have many friends and rarely get out of the house," said Alexander Muse, GreyScale’s CEO. "While some high-profile apps, such as the recently announced Color, encourage users to share everything with everybody, we find this very annoying. We are happiest when we don’t have to pretend to lead exciting lives, since most people today actually lead lives of isolation and withdrawal.”

“Let’s face it: it’s not just losers who are alone a lot – it’s most of us. And most of us don’t look that great in color, either,” Muse added. “That’s why we like to say that GreyScale is ‘Color for the rest of us.’”

"Just as the iPhone changed everything about mobile phones, so GreyScale will transform the way people work and play with themselves," said Jeff Clavier, Founder and Managing Partner, SoftTech VC. "Once or twice a decade a company emerges from Silicon Valley that can change everything. While not actually based in Silicon Valley, GreyScale is one of those companies."

GreyScale has raised $41 in financing from an all-star cast of angel investors including Jeff Clavier, Mark Cuban, Dave McClure, David Cohen, Jay Adelson, Gabriella Draney and Aaron Patzer. Proceeds will be used to develop GreyScale's pioneering technology and provide service on a global scale, particularly in Eastern Europe, where it is expected to be huge.

GreyScale is a Visual Diary

Every photo and video captured using GreyScale is stored on the Web for immediate enjoyment. Capture every experience without worrying about using up memory; GreyScale has infinite capacity to capture even the most mundane moments of the most monotonous lives. Each day is monochromatically displayed as a series of thumbnail images. Tap on any image to go back to the day when it was originally captured for full contextual information. You can see all your visits to the bathroom, living room couch or mailbox during the past day, week or month. Looking back has never been so detailed, easy or unsparingly honest.

Availability and Pricing

GreyScale is available from various places arguing over who owns the name “App Store.” It is free to download and use.

About GreyScale

GreyScale is advancing the Post-VC revolution by inventing new applications for about $41 each. Founded and led by a team of no-name engineers and entrepreneurs, GreyScale is based in Dallas but conveniently located in the area code of Palo Alto, California.

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