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Unveiling the Black Box: Content Marketing Strategies to Demystify AI | Powering the Future, Part 2

Published: March 29, 2024       Updated: July 21, 2024

5 min read

There are various narratives surrounding artificial intelligence (AI), so it'll take effort to prove that your technology is worth people's time and investments. Amping up your AI PR will help businesses understand that your products aren't like the others they've tried.

In the second part of this blog series, I'll discuss the importance of demystifying AI — along with the six best strategies. 

The Importance of Demystifying AI Technology 

As I touched on in Part 1, AI technology is still relatively new, and public perceptions vary. Some people may have stopped paying attention to AI and missed some of its most impressive developments in recent months and years. As a result, they may not try a new AI tool if they only think it uses 2010-era technology. Meanwhile, others have been so caught up in the AI hype that they overlook its limitations and faults — which can cause them to blame it for their oversights.

With so many narratives surrounding AI, it can be challenging to redefine your own. AI public relations gives you the platform to tell your story and showcase your technology how you want it perceived. 

6 Content Marketing Strategies for AI Companies

The right marketing content can drastically change your AI PR and product responses. However, the PR tactics that worked ten years ago won't always work today — especially regarding AI. 

The following content marketing strategies can demystify your AI technology for a broader audience.

1. Blog Posts and SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of customizing your website and online presence for search engine platforms. Adding keywords and relevant content makes your company site easier for "web crawlers" to find. This way, Google may recommend your AI company when people search for anything related to your technology, such as, "Can AI file my taxes for me?"

Frequent blog posts are one of the most effective ways to boost your website's SEO. Blogs can include:

  • How-to guides
  • Value-added information for consumers
  • Industry updates
  • Opinion pieces
  • And much more

Use Google Trends and other tools to research high-demand topics related to your AI PR goals. Then, integrate keywords and internal links throughout each article to give web crawlers multiple access points.

2. Social Media Content

Social media is one of the most cost-effective components of AI PR since standard posts are free. Different social media platforms let you reach various audiences via various mediums with short-form videos, photos, and more. Plus, analytics tell you which posts are the most effective, empowering you to easily improve your PR strategy. 

Consider the following types of posts for AI public relations:

  • Infographics
  • News and technology updates
  • Explainer videos
  • Product demos
  • White papers and product information
  • Blog-style posts
  • Behind-the-scenes videos
  • Livestreams

3. Webinars

Webinars let you share your expertise with potential customers and partners from across the world. In the process, you can form long-lasting relationships, establish your company's expertise, and promote your AI solutions as business essentials. 

To start, create a webinar topic and format, such as an individual session or in-depth series. Research what your target audience would want to learn in this current moment in the AI industry — as the answer changes nearly every week.

Then, use your other marketing and PR channels to promote your webinar well in advance. Consider reaching out to media, industry experts, and others in your network who could benefit from learning about AI. With successful events, you can quickly make your organization a leading expert in AI technology. 

4. White Papers

White papers are generally digital PDFs or long-form posts that break down your AI technology, including its uses, benefits, coding, and more. They are perfect for business-to-business (B2B) marketing and similar PR strategies because you can target them toward different solutions and needs.

For example, you could develop several white papers to explain how your AI technology works in various different industries. 

That said, white papers shouldn't just sell your AI product. Some of the best white papers use "problem and solution" formats to outline exactly how technology can benefit readers. This strategy promotes the product as a business essential while keeping the paper itself on-topic. It's specifically beneficial for demystifying AI and controlling the conversation around your technology. 

5. Personal Approaches

Every tech company is different, but success requires more than a good product and logo. The recent rise of generative AI technology has made it challenging to distinguish betweenAI and human-made content. With so much distrust, many people are wary about downloading yet another app. 

Give your organization faces people can recognize to make your AI technology seem more reputable and safe. Many customers and investors just want to know there's a human behind the computer instead of a "robot." Thanks to social media and our connected world, this is easier than ever. 

Consider creating marketing and PR content that highlights your teams, workspaces, and AI processes. For example, your next AI product demo could feature interviews with developers, testers, and others involved. Then, for a bit of viral marketing, you could create fun behind-the-scenes social media videos of AI developers in their element.

6. Podcasts

Like webinars,podcasts let you share your expertise and establish your company as an industry leader — but now on a larger scale. Podcasts have exploded in popularity, and many listeners will likely tune in to hear about the latest AI tech. 

Podcasts can cover general industry news, specific AI products, problems with solutions, and more. You can also bring on other industry leaders and experts to boost your podcast's trustworthiness and reach. Afterward, you can even turn your podcast's transcript into a blog post for better SEO.

If you’re not ready to launch your own podcast, reaching out to existing ones and offering company leadership as a guest on a dedicated AI topic is a great way to expand your presence.

The Black Box of AI PR

Much like the technology itself, PR for AI companies can be difficult to understand without trial and error. Integrating various AI PR strategies into your content marketing plan gives businesses multiple ways to learn about your technology. Most importantly, you focus on what your technology really is rather than what people think it might be. 

In the final part of this blog series, I'll bring the conversation online. Continue reading to learn how to master social media and online advertising for AI PR.

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