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Idea Grove Partners with Tech Heroes of the COVID Economy

Published: August 25, 2020       Updated: July 21, 2024

3 min read

COVID-19’s heroes include courageous doctors and nurses on the front lines, as well as grocery store clerks, delivery drivers, fast food employees and mass transit workers, all of whom are exposing themselves to greater risk to benefit society. There are other heroes, too: the B2B tech companies providing remote learning, communication, cleaning and other technologies that enable the United States to remain productive during this crisis.
Idea Grove is proud to have recently added to its client roster five companies whose work is helping Americans through this difficult time: Istation, OpenLoop, ReadyComm, S5 Stratos and Perpetual Motion. These companies are not just customers to us; they are heroes.
Technology time and again has been the hero for our society. On so many occasions, when we have thought the U.S. economy was in decline, our innovation has saved us and moved us forward. And so it will be in this case, as B2B tech innovators help build the infrastructure for the new normal.
Idea Grove clients helping our society to succeed in the COVID economy include:
  • Istation, an educational technology leader that is helping schools stay on track at a time when remote learning is especially critical for our children. As Istation’s agency of record, Idea Grove is supporting the company with a comprehensive PR program, highlighting its EdTech solutions and securing opportunities for the company to share insights on urgent topics for educators, students, parents and school administrators.
  • OpenLoop, a technology-driven staffing platform that is matching healthcare providers with facilities during the fight against COVID-19. OpenLoop matches hospitals and care centers with physicians and nurses so they can quickly fill gaps while eliminating the need for costly staffing agencies. A young startup founded by medical students, OpenLoop waived all fees for its service in the early days of the COVID crisis to help match healthcare workers with the hospitals that needed them most.
  • ReadyComm, an enterprise webcasting provider that offers real-time closed captioning in more than 100 languages. As global corporations and event planners have scrambled to find ways for the “show to go on” during the COVID pandemic, ReadyComm -- a leader in global digital event solutions – has stepped in to fill the void. Idea Grove is helping to drive awareness and growth of ReadyComm with a complete web redesign and digital marketing program.
  • S5 Stratos (S5), a cloud-based artificial intelligence products company that is helping retailers evolve and adapt during unprecedented times. S5 sought out Idea Grove to raise awareness of how its solution is helping retailers track changing consumer demand, predict selling patterns and make smarter decisions faster. Idea Grove quickly developed a PR campaign to boost visibility of S5’s solution, using customer success stories to demonstrate the impact of advanced data science in business planning.
  • Perpetual Motion, a disinfecting drone distributorship that is making arenas and other indoor and outdoor facilities safer during COVID-19. Perpetual Motion leverages American-made, state-of-the-art drone technology, EPA-approved chemistry and industry expertise to enable large-scale facilities to safely disinfect and reopen. The company’s founders turned to Idea Grove to develop and distribute their first press release, execute a media relations campaign, create Perpetual Motion’s social media profiles and launch their website, establishing the company’s online presence to get the word out to potential partners and investors.
With our economy seeking to find its footing amid uncertainty, it’s comforting to see so many B2B tech innovators doing their part to help us through these times. We are proud to be a strategic partner in driving awareness and adoption of their solutions. The entire Idea Grove team draws inspiration from our clients’ relentless optimism, practical ideas and hard work
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