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Idea Grove Client ShopSavvy Shines in High-Profile Media Coverage

Published: November 4, 2011       Updated: July 21, 2024

1 min read


Media outlets across the country jumped on the news that ShopSavvy, the leading mobile shopping assistant, has secured $7 million in funding from several investors.

Among them is venture investor Eduardo Saverin, who helped start Facebook. Not surprisingly, he talked about the product with his nearly 900,000 Facebook subscribers:

“Have you tried Shopsavvy yet? If not, please do and let me know what you think! Excited to see how technology can make us more efficient consumers going forward.”

The news media got excited as well. Dozens of stories soon appeared in traditional media such as Forbes, The Dallas Morning News and San Francisco Chronicle, as well as on online heavyweights like TechCrunch, CNet, AllThingsD and Digital Media Wire.

That national exposure comes after recent stories about ShopSavvy by three high-profile broadcast and technology outlets.

  • On Anderson Cooper’s new daytime talk show, the highly watched host presented “How To Save A Buck,” with money coach Clark Howard. Howard introduced Cooper to ShopSavvy, “One of the ones I love, … it’s so cool.”
  • On Mashable, Forrester Research’s J.P. Gownder highlights ShopSavvy in his article, How Brands Can Maintain Loyalty Among Fickle Digital Consumers. Gownder describes ShopSavvy as a smartphone app that “literally expands buyers’ choices on the spot.”
  • On GigaOm, mobile apps analyst Dr. Phil Hendrix prominently mentioned ShopSavvy in his post, Location 2.0: making dollars and sense of SoLoMo (a portmanteau of SOcial, LOcal and MObile media). Hendrix observes that ShopSavvy is “changing the way consumers shop.”
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